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What is ICT

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) encompasses a range of human-devised hardware, software and telecommunication technologies and facilitates communication and sharing of information, hence enabling to cross all the boundaries. It represents a ‘diverse set of technological tools and resources, used to communicate and to create, disseminate, store and manage information’.
Proper utilization of these technologies can bring revolutionize to re-establish educational goals, curriculum contents and effective teaching-learning methods. The importance of using ET/ICT for improving quality of education has been emphasized in India, right from NPE-1986. ICT has also figured comprehensively in the norms for schooling recommended by Central Advisory Board of Education (CABE), in its report on Universal Secondary Education in 2005, NCF-2005, NCFTE2009, National ICT Policy for School Education – 2012 and Digital India Campaign (2015).
Consequently, major government schemes have a component of fund allocation for using ICT.

Importance of ICT

The Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) can enhance the quality of education in several ways which included, increase in learner motivation and engagement, facilitating the acquisition of basic skills and by enhancing training of teachers (Haddad & Jurich, 2002).
The Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has permeated in every walk of life, impacting the way people work, play and live. ICT has improved community life, and has provided opportunities to youth in solving complex problems, creating and sharingof new ideas as well as resources with colleagues and business partners, enabling them to participate in the global economy.
While ICT has impacted contemporary business and social practices globally, most educational systems around the world still engage in traditional teaching-learning practices that require learners to work individually, recall facts or perform isolated activities. Thus, ICT would play a pivotal role in reforming education and preparing students for the 21st century challenges, impacting the way learners access knowledge, research, communicate and collaborate with others.

ICT@School Implementation in Delhi

The Directorate of Education, Government of NCT of Delhi manages the State School Education system. The State has a total of 1244 (1028 Govt. + 216 Govt. Aided) Secondary and Senior Secondary Schools. The Department of Education is expected to provide quality education to children from Classes I to XII, in all there are 1,244 schools, with 40,000 staff and 11 lakh children.
In NCT of Delhi, 1228 Govt. and Govt. Aided Secondary and Senior Secondary schools are covered under ICT@School Scheme. The Govt. of Delhi has developed computer labs in all the above schools, located in different educational zones/ districts. Now, the ICT@school scheme has been subsumed in the Samagra Shikshya. The ICT@ Scheme, Delhi provides opportunities to secondary and senior secondary stage students and teachers to build their capacity in ICT for enhancing teaching learning
and assessment process. The Scheme is a major catalyst to bridge the digital divide amongst students of various socio- economic status and geographic allocations.

The detailed information regarding ICT@School in Delhi can be obtained through following links:
1) Third Party Evaluation of ICT@Schools Scheme in Delhi
2) Research Report: Use of ICT Tools in Secondary Schools